Logical Levels of Change

A house

The Logical Levels of Change framework is one of the key parts of my work. Initially formulated by anthropologist Gregory Bateson, it is one of the main tenets of NLP and my coaching. I use them with my clients – but only because I know how powerful they are myself. They’ve helped me make changes in my life – changes for the better.

The framework consists of six different areas, or levels, that are present in your life. Each of these are areas in your life that you can make changes in. You have some level of control within each domain, and each domain affects your life in and of itself.

The six levels are:

Environment – your surroundings and the people and places that you are interacting with
Behaviour – your actions, behaviours, postures and movements
Capabilities – your talents, skills and abilities, and how you deal with situations and events
Beliefs and values – the things that you hold dear and believe to be important to you
Identity – your sense of self
Purpose – your why, mission and goal

You can also see a progression from where you do something and who with (environment), what you do (behaviour), how (capabilities) and why (beliefs & values) to who you are (identity) and who you do things for (purpose).

I describe the Logical Levels of Change framework as my personal compass and map. It provides me the destination, the path and what I need to get there. This model helps me identify and understand the different areas that play a part in the decisions I make, the behaviours I carry out and the energy that I place behind a project.

You might know where you want to be and the kind of life you want to live. That’s great! But you can only work out the route to get there when you know where you are right now. The Logical Levels of Change Model is very helpful in designing an action plan for change.

I encourage you to sit down with a pen and paper and make some notes on each of these areas. What matters to you most in each space? How do you spend your time? What makes you feel good? What stresses you out? What can you influence, and what is out of your sphere of control? How do you act in each area? What meaning do you place on a situation or action? How do you behave? How do you feel?

Ask yourself the simple questions of where, what, how, why and who?

Once you’ve got some ideas about where you are and what matters to you, you’re ready to make a change. Get in touch if you’d like to know more about how I can help you to do just that.